A 1967 Secret Project That Could Have Stolen Pakistan’s Rains
03 January 2017, by telostech | 0 Comments
As India, China and Pakistan jostle over Indus and Brahmaputra, there is an eerie resonance with the events of 1967 when a secret project might well have led to a face off over waters from the skies

As The Script Spreads Across The Spectrum
03 January 2017, by telostech | 0 Comments
The engineer who made a profound contribution to history, and Hedy Lamarr, the actress who made a profound contribution to science

A Pickpocket Bemoans Loss Of The Cash Economy
03 January 2017, by telostech | 0 Comments
“There is nothing in people’s pockets, and whatever they have is being guarded zealously”

Let’s Do It This Way
13 April 2016, by telostech | 0 Comments
Winston Churchill once wrote, “I have never let my schooling interfere with my education.” Ironically, Churchill’s observation applies, if anything, most profoundly to our system of professional education today.

Fledgling Flight Path
13 April 2016, by telostech | 0 Comments
Last month a retired IIT professor asked me to meet a youngster he was mentoring. The boy had just graduated from one of the NITs in Assam and was convinced he had developed something exciting in the area of self-healing materials.

The PM gets four sage lessons in governing India
13 April 2016, by telostech | 0 Comments
The PM was at his desk at midnight, when a chill wind gusted and a figure materialised on the chair opposite—a man in dhoti and angavastram, tanpura in hand. It was Naradmuni.